Beginner's Guide: Building Your First Wall

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Now that you have bricks, it's time to build a wall, or four of them, if you don't want them to be useless!

Building A Wall


Create a construction task by clicking on the New Task button (star) at the bottom left of the task bar, then click on the construction button (saw and hammer).

Select the 2x1 brick at the bottom of your screen, in the taskbar.

If needed, right-click to rotate.

Click and drag to place a row of bricks blueprints.

2016-12-14 17-19-00.gif

Place a second row of bricks blueprints on top of the existing one, but offset them from the ones below! This is called staggering your bricks and it makes walls a lot sturdier.

Staggering the bricks on your wall means that if the bottom brick gets destroyed, the ones above it will not necessarily fall, since the half of the next one will hold it up!

DeleteBlueprintsPlaceDoor.gif BuildingWall2.gif

Hold CTRL and click one of the bottom bricks and the two bricks above it to make room for a door.

Place a door blueprint in the hole you made in your wall.

Fill the gaps on either sides of the door with half bricks.

Exit Edit Mode by clicking on the X at the top of your screen, then select some Bricktrons and assign them to the construction task by right-clicking the icon above the task.

Building a Door

Doors require some iron and planks to be built.

LogsToPlanks.gif MiningIron.gif

Stockpiling 4 logs on a stockpile will turn them into 12 planks.

The easiest source of iron are patches of black, shiny rocks you will find on the surface of the ground, often at the bottom of mountains and cliff sides.

Find a patch of iron and set a harvest task around it. If there are orange crystals, trees or stone boulders nearby, you can toggle them off in the taskbar at the bottom right of your screen to make sure Bricktrons assigned to that task only gather iron and ignore other resources.

Make sure you have an empty stockpile nearby for your Bricktrons to place the iron in.


Now that you have planks and iron, assign a Bricktron to the construction task with the door blueprint and they will build it.

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